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Kita München Tag


Children are thirsty for knowledge and soak up new information, experiences and impressions like a sponge soaks up water. The best way for kids to learn, is by doing fascinating hands-on experiments. It’s a way of learning about the world that comes naturally for kids,…

Fine Motor Skills Activities

A part of our pedagogical concept at Infanterix is to help develop and strengthen the children’s fine motor skills in an interactive manner. One can promote the fine motor skills of the children with the simplest resources. A simple activity is using kinetic sand. It…

Visit to the State Opera

Promoting music education is on the top of our list at Infanterix. Musical experiences in childhood can actually accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills. Therefore, we incorporate music in the children’s daily routine. We sing during morning circle-time,…

Nature awakes

As winter gives way to the oncoming spring and nature awakes, something magical is happening. The fragrant buds begin to bloom, and excitement is in the air. At our facility in Moosach, the educators made use of this opportunity to teach the children more about…

Visiting the library

Read-aloud time isn’t the only opportunity kids should have to spend time with books — children love to choose and look at books on their own. To support their curiosity from an early age, the Educators from our facility in Neuhausen 2 set off for…

Wildpark Poing

And off they went! Together with their Educators, the children from our facility in Neuperlach visited Wildpark Poing, which is located just outside Munich. The children’s natural curiosity and excitement of being with their friends in the forest has presented endless opportunities for new discoveries,…

Marble run

During free play, both alone and with other children, the children explore their surroundings while covering all areas of education. At Infanterix, it’s important to us that the children can choose freely which actively they wish to engage in. An all time favorite is the…