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Schwabing Tag

It’s snowing!

The children have been eagerly waiting for snow to come – and its been worth the wait! The children were very excited to finally be able to go out and play in the mass of snow laying around everywhere. The teachers from our facility in…

Bavarian Day in Schwabing

As in all our other Infanterix facilities, we of course also took the opportunity to celebrate the Bavarian Day at our facility in Schwabing. Caught in their excitement, the children already started to prepare for this day a few days in advance. They baked salt…

Happy Birthday!

Birthdays of the children are always a very special occasion in our Kindergartens and nurseries. The birthday child receives a crown and we celebrate with muffins and cake. We also place great importance on free play in our nursery in Schwabing. The children develop their…


In our French nursery in Schwabing, the educators have set up a barefoot course for the children. The children were able to walk on different surfaces with bare feet and feel with their feet. There were rubber mats with different surfaces, tickling feathers, large, round…

Musikalische Erziehung

Das Thema Musik spielt in unseren privatenKindertageseinrichtungen eine große Rolle. Regelmäßig singen und musizieren unsere Pädagogen mit unseren Kindern, wie hier im Kindergarten in Schwabing. Die Kinder dürfen aus verschiedenen Musikinstrumenten auswählen und unsere Lieder nach ihrem eigenen Rhythmusgefühl begleiten. So werden sie auf spielerische…

nǐ zǎo! Good morning! zài jiàn! Goodbye!

For Chinese-German parents, an adventure-rich day begins and ends with these words. It follows that the Chinese culture is in the foreground of our Chinese-German facility in Schwabing. The children at Infanterix learn the worth of tolerance, curiosity and friendship. The focal point of our…