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Author: ilehmann

Es schneit!

Endlich hat es geschneit! Die Freude der Kinder darüber ist riesig, wie hier in unserer Einrichtung in Schwabing. Wir verbringen viel Zeit mit den Kindern im Freien. Da werden Schneemänner gebaut, eine Schneeballschlacht gemacht und im Schnee herumgetollt.

Münchner Tafel

In unserer Einrichtung in Schwabing haben wir für die Münchner Tafel gesammelt. Gemeinsam mit den Kindern haben wir die gespendeten Dinge zur Münchner Tafel gebracht. Die Mitarbeiter dort haben sich sehr über die Spenden und unseren Besuch gefreut.

Christmas Party

In our facility in Neuhausen, the children diligently helped prepare for the Christmas Party. They crafted, baked and decorated. On the evening of the party, the delicious food was eaten together with the parents, the loveliest Christmas songs were sung and there was lots of…

Pre-Christmas Time

In our facility in Moosach, everyone also has pre-Christmas fever. The Christmas tree was festively decorated by the children, dough was kneaded with a lot of enthusiasm and little Christmas biscuits were made. The children can hardly wait to open the Advent calendar every day…

Theatre Visit

We also like to take trips with our children. We visited the theatre at Frauenhofer with one of our groups from the Aubing facility. After the journey, the children had to revive themselves before they could enjoy the performance.

St. Nicholas

Last week St. Nicholas visited our facilities. In Neuhausen there was first a breakfast with brioche and delicious hot chocolate. After that the children were presented with Nicholas stockings. Christmas songs were sung and the Advent candles were lit. Everyone was in a lovely Christmas…

Preps for Christmas

Christmas is also a dominant theme in our facility in Neuhausen 2. The children have put a lot of effort into crafting the Advent calendar. The excitement is rising daily, who is allowed to open the little doors or, like here, the little trees and…