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Privater Kindergarten Tag

Summer Party

In the last few weeks we celebrated our summer parties in all our facilities. At Harras, they chose a Hawaiian Party theme. The children looked lovely wearing chains of colourful flowers. There were lots of games, music, good food and a good atmosphere. Wearing make-up…

Making „Schultüten“

The farewell for our older preschool children is coming up soon. The children from Neuhausen made “Schultüten” for the big day with a bit of help from their parents. They were cutting, gluing and crafting like never before and the results are impressive. The children…

Children in Africa

We took a trip to the museum with our children from Aubing to see the exhibition „How do children in Africa live?” There they learnt how big the continent is, which countries are in Africa, how big the population of Africa is and much more…

In the playground

Sliding, climbing, swinging. There is nothing better for children than to go out into the playground and run around and explore, like here in Harras. While having fun and playing games, the children were also able to train their motor skills and sense of balance.

Making water bombs

Everyone enjoys cooling down in hot temperatures. Therefore we made water bombs with our children from Aubing 1. We simply bought some sponges, which the children cut into strips and tied together with string. And voilà, the water bombs are ready. Of course, they could…

Father’s Day

Last week was Father’s Day and in our facilities we of course did some arts and crafts for this day to make our fathers happy. In Aubing, the children made a very special declaration of love to their fathers with “You are my superhero.” The…

Musikalische Erziehung

Das Thema Musik spielt in unseren privatenKindertageseinrichtungen eine große Rolle. Regelmäßig singen und musizieren unsere Pädagogen mit unseren Kindern, wie hier im Kindergarten in Schwabing. Die Kinder dürfen aus verschiedenen Musikinstrumenten auswählen und unsere Lieder nach ihrem eigenen Rhythmusgefühl begleiten. So werden sie auf spielerische…