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Englisch Tag

Ice cubes

At Infanterix, we teach the children science in a playful manner through experiments. How can one make colorful cubes? To start with; how does water freeze and what happens when the ice cubes aren’t kept in the freezer any longer? The children from our facility…

Summer Festival

Summer is the time for fun events. At Infanterix we always celebrate summer festivals with all of the children and their parents. Most recently at our facility in Neuhausen. Long in advance the children started getting nervous to show of their talent at a little…

Blowing colored-water bubbles

In our facility in Neuhausen 2 the children played “Wasserfarbenpustemonster“. You’re probably wondering what that is? It’s pretty simple –a very liquid watercolor is blown through a straw onto a piece of paper. By doing so, a little funny monster is created. A positive side…

On the playground

Children love spending time on a playground. Whether out on the swings, balancing, sliding or climbing, here they are able to develop their motor skills in various ways. Also playing in the sand creates diverse sensory experiences for the children. And honestly; who does not…

Planting salad

Following the abundant harvest from last year, we planted the crops again in our facility in Aubing. Together the educators and children bought little salad seeds which they lovingly planted into the vegetable patch. For now, all that is left to do is to water…

An excursion to Sealife

What is actually the difference between Salt Water and Fresh Water? During their excursion, the children from our establishment in Aubing, were able to participate in an exciting journey through the underwater world. The children discovered the type of water in which various animal species…

Making a salad

As the foundation to a healthy lifestyle is created during an early childhood, we at Infanterix place high value on a healthy lifestyle, which we promote in a playful manner. Therefore, the teachers at our establishment in Aubing 2 took the time to make a…